Monday, May 7, 2007

Death to Everyone

I'm pissed off about a few things this morning:

1.) Turns out there's a "band" called Bishop Allen...and what's worse is that I heard one song on some indiemusicblog and it was nails-on-a-chalkboard bad. Now there's no way in hell I can continue to file my music under the Bishop Harmony name. The best thing about this discovery is that it comes only AFTER my wife has registered websites and e-mails under the name...

2.) Speaking of my wife...she plans this Halloween party...we did it last year at the house and I'm going to be real honest here - when people come to my house to visit (even my friends), it is because my wife has invited them either directly or indirectly (asked me to invite them). I would be perfectly fine not even associating with the world outside these four walls, as I'm sure most of you know. Not that I don't like my friends, I love my friends, but I just don't ever think to invite them over unless she brings it up. So she plans this Halloween party. It's hard enough for me when we have two or three guests, let alone an entire fucking house full, but I tolerate it because she enjoys being the she creates this cutesy little eVite, which is one of the things I love about her and virtually all of our friends/family have the balls to either sit on the fence about it or decline altogether. I just want to make one thing crystal clear here...the next time she decides to go to the trouble to put something like this together, you best have the decency to at least TRY and appease her or you and I are going to have a problem...

3.) The H.O.A. says we owe a year's worth of dues, yet they never sent us a single a result, some minimum-wage call-center employee is going to have to feel my wrath this morning (which is not a good morning to feel it)

4.) Did I mention that the recording process is resembling a just swallowed jar of molasses by a fiber-defecient 90-year old?

5.) Did I mention that I love all of you?

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